Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Love of Photography

A few years ago I had to retire for health reasons. We always seem to plan for retirement figuring it will happen when we are 65 or older, and when told at 54 that I had to retire, it really turned my world upside down.

When you first retire, you figure that you now have time to read all those books that you've wanted to read for the past months. And so, you read. You watch TV. You catch up on movies that you missed at the theater. Then one day, you realize that you are basically sitting and twiddling your thumbs. And it's that day that starts your journey of what to do with your life.

I had always said that when I retired, I wanted to do something with my photography. I got out the camera and started going to local parks and around town photographing this and that. Then one day I decided to take myself on a whale watch cruise.

I had been on a whale watch cruise when I came out to Washington on vacation in 2002. After seeing the orcas in the wild and loving the scenery in Washington, I made the decision to move out here in 2003. I remember taking photos of the orcas with my little Canon point and shoot in 2002. Of course, when I got the photos back (it was film in those days), the orcas were a small black spot. I had since upgraded my camera to a Nikon D50 with a 70-300 zoom lens.

When the boat got out to where the orcas were, I started shooting. I didn't know a lot about whale photography back then, but I did manage to get some good shots. When I downloaded them into the computer at home, I was pleased.

That day was the start of what has become my love and passion.

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